Wednesday 13 August 2014

Updates, additions and withdrawals

It's that time of the year when the reality starts to dawn - the car, crew, house, job, face lift [delete as required] is not going to be done by the time the RBRR starts. Also, there's the good idea of filling an empty seat with a third crewman to share the driving, experience, cost, smell of flatulence [delete as required].

Therefore a quick word about amendments -

If you want to make any changes, please email me (Jason) at with your team number and details of your change.

If you are changing vehicles, I will need to know the model, colour, engine size, registration and year.
If you are changing a driver, please tell me who's "out" as well as who's "in"

If you are withdrawing then I will acknowledge this, copy in the Treasurer to the email and ask for a refund - this will be payable to the principle entrant only and will be sent to the address you gave us on your entry form. Please be patient as refunds do take a while as cheques need two signatures and we don't all live together in the Club Triumph home for the mechanically muddled.

I am up to date now, all amendments should be reflected in the entry list here and should also appear below, automatically updated as I update it.

I think that's all for now.


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