Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Crikey, it starts again: RBRR 2018

Blimey, what a vote for the RBRR! 
141no entries (I think) by this morning, all within 3.5 days. At one point on Friday evening just after the event entry had opened, we were receiving an entry every 90 seconds...!

Thanks all that have entered for the support of the Club's event. Massive thanks to my Club colleague's Keith Bennett and Jason Chinn, bloody heroic effort chaps, cheers! Got to say I loved Friday evening, watching the entries come in, was a sort of CT Election evening! I took many a call from many who were anxious about getting a place, Keith and Jason did the work to allay fears.

Please note that we will inevitably receive some withdrawals during the count down to the event’s start at Knebworth, so do not despair if you have not secured an entry into the event, places will become available. To aid this we will run a Reserve Listing, you can do this online or contact Jason and he will put you on the list. 

At present I think we have 1 team on that list. Spaces for the list will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Once a space becomes available, Jason will contact you by email (Head the email 'RBRR', send to: jason.chinn@club.triumph.org.uk) to see if you want the place. Just to give an idea about how many teams enter and how many actually start, in 2016, we received 167no entries, but 136no started. 140 is the most that the event can deal with, breakfasts at the JOG and LE being the limiting factor.

Over 20% of the entry is new to the event, welcome those that are new, we hope that the event lives up to its billing. Do you realise that for many the event is addictive and not only will you want to take part in 2020, but you will start to think what can be done to improve the ability of your car! This of course has the by product in that we support the Triumph parts industry, by spending hard earned on parts that actually work! No chinese junk for RBRRers! Suppliers of overdrive units have done well from the RBRR!

As you all know, the RBRR will be supporting Epilepsy Research UK, in the next few weeks I will email all entrants to let them know how to get the ball rolling on the donation front. Last times £97.5K amount is a big target, lets try and surpass that.

After getting started on that and your car preparation, the first major date to remember will be the RBRR Drivers Meeting. This will be held at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon, on Saturday 22nd September 2018-seems along way off eh!

Great to see that most models of the Triumph range have been entered, we also have one Standard and a pre-war Triumph taking part. Dirk who usually brings his Renown over from Holland is bringing his pre-war Triumph over, hardy or what!

Noticed a lot more Dolomites and 1300/1500s this time, but strangely enough, no Acclaims, most weird. Think there are 3 1300s in the list at present, not many of those super little cars have taken part before. As ever, shed loads of big Saloons within that list and we hope at least one ex works rally car will be present. Also, we are hopeful that RBRR stalwarts Alan Chatterton and Andy Roberts will be using their 3 Del Lines Stag engined Saloons/Estates, should be impressive to see those beasties on the event.

One of things I like about the RBRR is that we do receive new CT members who are long standing members of other Clubs taking part. We always attract members from the 2000/2500 Register, but this year we seem to have enjoyed an influx from the Triumph Dolomite Club and the TR Register. Of those 3 Clubs, at least one member of each club's respective management groups have entered the event. The RBRR has indirectly done a lot to encourage inter club relations, something that has been sometimes been difficult within the disparate UK Triumph scene.

This leads onto the entry into the event by European crews, welcome to you all. We are honored to have you take part. Some of you have entered beforet, but a few are new, we hope that you have fun and enjoy some parts of the UK that you will not have seen on UK travels. Note, the RBRR is not political and loves Europeans, welcome!

Talking about parts of the UK, I had better get my finger out and start to sort out the Controls. Sadly one or two longstanding RBRR controls will not be used this time, we hope to find Controls that are as suitable and as atmospheric as before. Do not worry, we do hope to be able to visit Pimperne again!

Anyway, enough of my drivel, remember, keep your eyes on the road, and your hands upon the wheel, yikes!



PS. Club Triumph RBRR site: www.clubtriumph.ltd
PSS, Please try and make your own entry changes online, problem(?), we will do our best to help.

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