Thursday, 13 October 2016

RBRR 2016 10 out of 10

A quick update now everyone has had time to rest and the post run blues have started to ebb away, hopefully leaving fond memories of shed heroics, stunning Scottish roads bathed in autumnal sunshine, menacing ink black welsh mountain roads being taken on by Lucas prince of darkness, the lingering smell of EP90 and the roar of a six pot.
Thank you to all who took part and entered into the true spirit of the event 50 years on from that first run back in 1966, with any event there are things to be learnt and the post event meeting process will start in November please feel free to feedback via the CT forum or email

Personally it was a 10 out of 10 event for me-the event scoring 10 and it was the 10th run I have completed –the same  crew took part in 1996 we have deducted we may look older but haven’t really grown up-the evidence being Homers ditty driving into JoG - rhyming JoG  with things that happen to goats etc
My favorite Shed in the Highlands

So some quick stats-

133 starters

119 finishers

Seems fuel pumps were top of the list for causing problems this year – my personal preference is to fit electric pump with a pressure regulator depending on the type of carburettor’s your running (i.e. webers or SU) and carry a known good mechanical spare and associated pipe work allowing a quick fit/fix.

The charity total is looking very healthy I am sure we can bump it up a bit before handing over the cheque in march-apparently 20% of donations come in after an event

Photos- as you can imagine thanks to the superb weather there have been some stunning photos taken with lots getting posted via various social media sites- Dale our hard working and very busy club mag editor has kindly offered to judge some of the best ones, the “prize” being getting it on the front cover of a forthcoming copy of “Club Torque” could we ask that any photo you would like to be judged be posted to the CT forum RBRR 2016 picturefolder – if you don’t have access as you were a non-CT member of the car crew get you CT member to post it on the CT forum for you !
More post run updates stories and pictures to follow!

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