Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Who fancies a test run?

Today's top tip is to get out and test those cars ..get some miles on them,remind yourself what fun it can be driving these old cars which properly engage  you in the pleasure and spirit of driving for fun..not sure where to go for a drive out have a weekend to fill? then why not get your entry in for Club Triumphs border raiders?
Shed control received the following communication from Raider HQ 

"Hi Shed Control!
Attached are the regs (click for link) and some photos from last year.
The run is a two day event starting at Kelbrook with an overnight in Dumfries.
The route will be non Motorway but easy to follow thanks to Mik's planning and printed route info.
Generally a good sociable time for all with stops for cream teas and a meal together each evening as people wish so we can talk about the driving. There will be non Triumphs so there's a bit of variety with an MGF, a TVR and a Rover 214i (mine that I am loaning to a friend).
Dates are August 6th and 7th"

1 comment:

  1. I really want to get some miles in, but work will get in the way of this event.

    I might have missed the comms, but are there still plans for Saturday / Sunday breakfast meet ups this summer? I'd be interested in one if anybody in the London / Surrey area fancies it this August.
